

Investment Services

Whether you're looking to build, expand, or diversify your investment portfolio, I'm here to serve as your expert in investment purchasing. I specialize in various areas such as multifamily properties, buy and hold strategies, locating fix & flip opportunities, and assisting in the creation or expansion of real estate investment portfolios.

Additionally, I represent developers interested in constructing or investing in residential properties across vibrant communities in Los Angeles and its surrounding counties.


Exclusive Access

When investors express frustration about the lack of deals on the MLS, what they're truly encountering is difficulty in securing the deals they desire. Often, other investors are outmaneuvering them or moving faster.

My extensive network includes individual investors, investment groups, financial advisors, and institutional investors, providing me access to the off-market opportunities that all investors covet.


Who You Work With Matters

With me as your dedicated real estate agent, you'll have the competitive edge, ensuring you're the one securing deals ahead of others.

From start to finish, I'm by your side, sourcing deals, analyzing comparables, determining after repair values (ARVs), and conducting thorough evaluations of ROI, cash flow, and cap rates.

Interested to learn more? Click the button below to request a free consultation.


Work With Robyn

Unlock the door to your dream home with Robyn Calvin, your expert guide in Los Angeles real estate. Partner with Robyn for a seamless and personalized property journey tailored to your unique needs. Elevate your real estate experience – work with Robyn Calvin to make your home aspirations a reality.

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